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Dr. Bernie Domanski
Ivan Gelb:   Bio
Lyn Hecker


Gelb Information Systems Corporation
Think Faster With Our Services

Ivan Gelb  -  Experience Summary:


                   His data processing experience of more than thirty years includes (a) management of a consulting practice with partners, various systems technical func­tions, computer opera­tions, and production control, (b) operating sys­tems genera­tion, main­tenance, and tuning, (c) evaluations and optimization of computer systems performance, (d) DASD man­agement planning and implementation for centralized and multiple architecture distributed systems, (e) client/server, host- and network-centric com­munications systems de­sign, development, and main­tenance, (f) mainframe and client/server configuration ca­pacity modeling and simu­lation including the development of commercially available packages and advanced proprietary techniques, (g) information systems planning for mainframe and client/server environments including needs assessments, packaged software selection, and custom software development, (h) evaluation, selection, installation, change control, testing, and sup­port of various soft­ware packages for mainframes, minis, and PCs, (i) imple­mentation of improve­ments in centralized and client/server computer securi­ty and controls, (j) hardware and software configuration needs assessments, development of justifications and specifications for acquisition support, preparation of documents for competitive procurements, and selection of vendors through competitive bidding, (k) development and presenta­tion of various management and in-depth technical seminars, and (l) litigation support as an expert witness in all areas of technology, performance validation, contract disputes, and software copyright protection.



                   Employment History:


                   Gelb Information Systems Corporation: President, 1988 to Present.


                   International Systems Services Co.: Senior Manager/Partner, 1983‑1988.


                   Morgan Guaranty Trust:  Assistant Vice President, 1979‑1983; Systems Programming Supervisor, 1971‑1979.


                   Chase Manhattan Bank:  Systems Programmer, 1969‑1971.


                   American Express:  Technical Support Specialist, 1968‑1969.


                   Bache & Company:  Console Operator, 1967‑1968.

                   Professional and Business Experience:


                   Mr. Gelb's experience includes data processing management and technical consulting for numerous clients in the private and public sector in the United States and internationally. The typical assignments include reviews of (a) computer installation effectiveness, (b) short- and long-term plans, (c) hardware and software strategy in multi-vendor environments, (d) performance and capacity management, and (e) executive information systems. Other types of projects include: identification of hardware and software alternatives, preparations of requests for proposals, evaluations and vendor selections, performance tuning of applications and systems, custom software design and development, installation and modification of software packages.


                   Implemented performance and capacity management systems for numerous clients utilizing most of the commercially available tools as well as some proprietary techniques. While some computer resource plans resulted in procurements of over $100 million/year, all the prepared plans focus on identifying the most cost-effective alternatives. This frequently resulted in the postponement or complete avoidance of significant costs for the clients.


                   Managed the systems programming staff supporting several different operating systems, on‑line transaction processors, and general timesharing for a major bank; responsible for supporting three large data centers.


                   Performed analysis of performance and capacity implications of hardware and software configurations for large two- and three-tier client/server systems. This work included software performance engineering, detailed measurements, modeling of alternatives, and instructing other staff in the use of proper techniques.


                   Provided technical assistance for the preparation of court challenges in major government procurements.  The projects included (a) analysis of proposal methodologies, (b) validation of tools and techniques used, (c) code copyrights and intellectual property source determinations and (d) expert testimony.


                   Edited the Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM) Information Technology Acquisition Guide publication titled "Performance and Capability Validation Guide."  This work emphasized the benefits and risks associated with the selection of various tools and techniques for performance validation.


                   Experienced with OS/390,  MVS (all releases), VS/1, DOS (all releases), VSE (all releases),  VM (all releases), MVT, and MFT operating systems, CICS, IMS/DB and DC, ADABAS, DATACOM, DB2, DL/I, IDMS, DATACOM, MODEL 204, TOTAL batch and on‑line systems in MVS and DOS/VSE environments using BTAM, TCAM, TCP/IP and VTAM communications access methods, and a variety of data center operational software such as library management systems, tape and disk management systems, scheduling systems, security packages, optimization software, etc. Other software experience includes OS/400, Sun Solaris, UNIX, AIX, DOS, Windows, Windows 95 and 98, Windows NT, OS/2.


                   Performed technical consulting for a domestic bank's divisional offices in London, Brussels, and Paris. Activities included hardware and software planning, application design reviews, quality assurance reviews, problem and change management, performance evaluations, and independent verifica­tion and validation activities.


                   Evaluated computer resource utilization for a credit card operation and many data centers of a large bank.  The evaluations highlighted workload composition, relate utilization of computer resources to business work­loads, and identify opportunities for improvement.


                   Conducted a capacity study of an on‑line bank customer communication system.  IBM's SNAP\SHOT tool was used to project computer resource utiliza­tion and terminal response times based on future business level projections. Other relevant experience includes most of the commercially available capacity management tools.


                   Designed, developed, and marketed a computer performance modeling package that included expert systems technology.  This was an industry leading first use of such technology for performance management and capacity planning.


                   Directed, developed, and implemented change man­agement, problem management, and availability management functions that included (a) configura­tion management, (b) the con­trol and scheduling of changes, (c) problem iden­tification, reporting, and tracking, and (d) avail­ability tracking and control for hardware, systems software, application pro­grams, and pro­gram prod­ucts.  Also experienced with on‑line testing and quality assurance using auto­mated tools.


                   Conducted an application design review and a pre‑implementation performance evaluation of an on‑line Eurobond trade order matching system.  Performed numerous other application reviews to identify potential performance problems, computer capacity needs, and optimum design techniques.  Such reviews resulted in 30 to 80% reduction in the computer resources consumed by the application.


                   Developed comprehensive software plans and bud­gets, determined which licenses were most cost‑effec­tive, and negotiated with software vendors for various software purchases. Specialized in reducing software license costs without impacting essential functions of the systems.


                   Installed and utilized such industry standard packages as BEST/1, CMF, CRYSTAL, ISS/THREEE, JARS, KOMAND, MICS, MXG, OMEGAMON, QCM, STROBE, THE MONITOR, for (a) application and systems performance management, (b) capacity management, (c) Executive/Management Information Systems, and (d) data processing cost charge-back systems.


                   Developed justifications, project plans, and performed and managed conversions among all IBM operating systems environments such PCP, MFT, MVT, DOS, VM, VS1, and all MVS releases. Also worked on conversions from Apple, Boroughs, CDC, DEC, HP, and Sperry to IBM environments or the integration of the above in multi-vendor configurations.


                   Performed direct access storage device utiliza­tion studies for data centers.  SMF, RMF, and specialized trace data were used to determine load distribution.  The objectives of these projects were cost control and performance improvements. Designed and developed various tools for performance and cost analysis of data placement alternatives.


                   Developed project plans for conversion of on‑line CICS systems to current software releases.  Mr. Gelb is a recognized authority in the United States and internationally for the work performed on all releases of CICS.  This includes early experience with CICS/ESA Version 3 and 4.


                   Planned, directed, and performed numerous CICS on-line systems performance evaluations, significantly improving average terminal response times. These performance evaluations led to application design enhancements, CICS parameter changes. Also, adjustments to the operating system, communication, and data base customization resulted in more effective uti­lization of available computer resources.


                   Directed and performed studies to reduce CICS recovery and re­start times.  These studies resulted in recovery and restart time reductions by a factor of three.


                   Developed and conducted various seminars for management, systems programmers, programmers, and operators. Subjects included performance monitoring, capacity plan­ning, communication systems, computer operations, operating systems, utilities, and program products.


Developed applications, commercial software packages, and various systems utility programs for mainframe and client/server environments. Coded worked with most major programming languages including (in alphabetic order): ADABAS/Natural, Assembler, Basic, C, C++,  Cobol, Focus, Java, MQSeries, PL/I, Prolog, REXX, RPG, SQL (mainframe, Windows, and OS/2), VisualAge, Visual Basic, Visual C, VisualGen,


          Publications and Presentations:


                   “Applications and Systems Disk IO Capacity Management” session presented at Philadelphia CMG meeting, June 1998.


                   “Parallel Sysplex and Workload Manager Myths and Facts” session presented at Philadelphia CMG meeting, September 1996.


                   "CICS/ESA Performance Management," workshop speaker at CMG '95;  International Conference on the Management and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems, Nashville, TN, December 1995. This half-day workshop presented the recent developments such as SYSPLEX, CICSPlex Systems Manager, and System/390 parallel processors. The emphasis was on the implications of these developments on performance and capacity management.


                   "CICS Performance Management and Capacity Planning," speaker for three-day technical seminar since 1986. Also presented this seminar internationally since 1988. This seminar focuses on the application of tools and techniques for CICS performance management, capacity planning, and availability management. The seminar is up-to-date with developments in ESA, parallel processors, and SYSPLEX.


                   "CICS/ESA Performance for Application Developers," speaker since 1992  for two-day technical seminar designed to teach the skills needed to design and develop high performance applications.



                   Speaker at the annual Systems Software Conference for Computer Associates since 1988.  The topics include MVS performance, CICS performance, capacity planning, and service level management.


                   "Bridging the Gap Between Systems and Applications,"  speaker for the Landmark Systems technical seminar presented across the United States.  This seminar highlighted tools and techniques that can help application developers and systems staffs cooperate towards the design and maintenance of efficient systems.


                   "CICS Performance for Applications Developers,"  speaker since 1992 for one-day seminar presented in USA and internationally.  This seminar addresses the everyday need of applications development staff for information about performance and efficiency  factors to consider during development life-cycle.


                   "CICS/ESA Technical Insights and Exploitation,"  speaker since 1990 for one-day seminar  presented in USA and internationally.  Focus of this course is to inform technical people on the new methods made available by the latest software releases to produce high performance and high availability systems.


                   "CICS/ESA Performance Management," speaker at CMG '91;  International Conference on the Management and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems, Nashville, TN, December 1991.


                   "CICS/ESA Performance and Capacity Management," Leading Edge track speaker at CMG '90;  International Conference on the Management and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems, Orlando, FL, December 1990.


                   "Validating and Using Models for Forecasting: Problems, Solutions, Shortcuts," speaker at CMG '89;  International Conference on the Management and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems, Reno, NV, December 1989.


                   "State of the Art Database Management Systems," speaker at McKinsey seminar for management consultants, Summer 1987.


                   "CICS/ESA Version 3.1 Performance and Capacity Controls," invited speaker for CMG '90 Leading Edge track;  International Conference for the Management and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems, Orlando, FL, December 1990.


                   "Model Validation:  What You Don't Know Will Hurt You," invited speaker at CMG '86;  International Conference on the Management and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems, Las Vegas, NV, December 1986.



"A Hierarchical Approach to Model Validation," speaker at seminar on  State of the Art in Computer Capacity Management, Tarrytown, NY, October 1986.


                   "Computer Operations Management:  True Resource Capacity Management...Who and How," invited speaker at OMICRON Computer Executives Conference, September 1985.



                   Professional Affiliations:


                   Member,  Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


                   Member,  CICS Users Group


                   Member,  International Computer Measurement Group


                   Member,  The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.


                   Associate Editor, CMG Transactions


                   Subject Area Chair, Editorial Review Board, Referee at CMG97


                   Subject Area Chair, Editor Referee at CMG98


                   Director, Philadelphia Region CMD


                   Editorial Review Board Member, Enterprise Systems Journal


                   Member, IBM’s Gold TP & Messaging, Gold Database

                   and Gold Enterprise Servers Groups for Consultants




                   B.Sc., with honors, Computer Science and Business, Pace University, New York, NY, 1978.


                   Numerous technical and managerial training seminars and conferences every year.

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